UK/Europe 2017-2020

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We had a nice day yesterday wandering the coast. Lots of old abandoned tin mines.


Clotted cream ice creams covered in more clotted cream and then nuts and crushed flapjack.

Clotted arteries, too.



Last night we went to the famous Minack Theatre and watched an improv show by the Mischief Theatre Company. Incredible setting and excellent, quick-witted show.


Another day out walking the Cornish coast. Zennor to St Ives and back. 20km.

Steak and stilton Cornish pasty followed by another clotted cream ice cream for lunch in St Ives which was uncomfortably packed.


With John, Ally and Jess at the top of the Beacon on a walk to St Agnes yesterday. We also went for a chilly swim at the beach on the way.

Today we head north to somewhere between Bristol and Cardiff and then on to Chester to catch up with Andy and Melissa. We'll see if we can fit in a walk tomorrow morning.



Over the last week we've been busy.

After Cornwall we drove up as far as Newport between Bristol and Cardiff where we stayed the night in a car park beside the Caerleon Amphitheatre. A restless night as it was a bit of a hangout for the local teens with their cars.

From there we did a 15km walk up the Carding Mill Valley (pictured above) near Shrewsbury before heading into Chester to catch up, socially distanced, with Andy and Melissa.

The following day to Stockport near Manchester where we parked outside an old workmate's house and visited a couple of people. I cancelled work drinks as new guidance limiting gatherings to six or less had just been announced and it seemed too risky. Sad.

On to Collingham to say bye, socially distanced, to Sue, Nick, Jenny and Catherine. We stopped via Sheffield to drop off the refillable LPG tank I sold on eBay.

Then to Simon and Sally's place near Grantham for a farewell pub lunch. Socially distanced of course.


For the last three nights we've been at an Airbnb in Hull getting the van ready to ship. First time we've slept out of the van since arriving in January.

We've had to completely strip it down to find any seeds or insects and we've needed the entire three days to do it. Solar panel and bike rack removed, bikes disassembled, tanks flushed, everything cleaned inside and out. Tiring work.

In the morning we take it to the port where, hopefully, it'll fit in a container. We may have to let air out of the tires as it'll be a tight fit.


We've dropped the van off! All going well it'll go into a container and onto a ship next week and arrive in NZ in 6 or 7 weeks in exactly the condition we left it in.

Now off to London by train for a few days before we fly out.


We've spent a relaxing last three days in London. One more day to go before we fly out on Monday.

Caught up with Auntie Rosemary on Thursday for an outdoor lunch and a chat in the garden and then today went for a long walk in the Hampstead Heath area with Graham and Kerry.


Bushy Park in Teddington in the heart of London.


Hello New Zealand. We've arrived!

So great to be back.

We're now settled in our hotel (Rydges in Auckland). The hotel room seems nice enough

So far we've been very impressed with the organised approach from the moment we landed to when we checked in to our room.

Now for sleep. Thanks for following along!