UK/Europe 2017-2020

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We're flying from Auckland to London via LA on 3rd July. Staying in Wimbledon for three nights before heading to Andy's wedding in Wales at Portmeirion (where they filmed The Prisoner - we must watch that before we leave).

From Wales we either return to London or head to Manchester in order to pick up some immigration documents and head off to Copenhagen which will start our ~10 week trip around Scandinavia. We're still planning exactly what we're doing but as we progress we'll be adding to our maps which you can check out here: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland (to come). We're going to be lugging our bikes around Scandinavia which will likely be fantastic at times and a right pain in the butt at others.

We're slowly packing up the house and making the section low-maintenance for future tenants.

Still waiting to hear from UK immigration whether I'm allowed a spousal entry visa and my passport is currently in Manila where they process it. Without a passport it's going to be difficult to get on the plane.

A decision has been made on my visa which means I'll have my passport back before we travel and is a huge relief. We were resigned to not making the wedding and possibly having to cancel 40+ hotels and throw away a few thousand dollars. I'll find out whether I've been granted the visa in a week or two.

[edit: approved!]


Leaving party ABs v Lions. Average weather but plenty of pizza and drinks.


I hired a furniture truck yesterday and today to move all our things to Sally's sister's place and some stuff to the bach in Arapaoa. Got stuck in the mud this morning which was a barrel of laughs. All done now though. Empty house and we're sleeping on the carpet with a duvet for the last few nights. It's like camping!

[edit: added a pic of the truck. Notice that the rear wheel is slightly sunk in the mud? We didn't know it at the time but that was about to get a LOT worse]



Wimbledon and ordinary bitter! 


It's 6am and we've joined the back of a 3000-strong queue for Wimbledon. This is the most organised queue I've ever seen. Something the Brits excel in.

I'm not particularly fond of tennis but I know a good queue when I see one.


Finishing off a scorching day with strawberries and cream.


We drove through to Portmeirion in Wales today for the wedding. Lovely drive in our tiny underpowered Fiat 500. Portmeirion is quirky - photos to come tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow: it's the final between NZ and the Lions so Sal and I are going to drive into the village and represent NZ in the local pub tomorrow morning for the game. 


Watching the game in a local pub in Porthmadog on the coast of Wales. Great atmosphere.






Portmeirion. We spent two nights with a bunch of ex-York friends for the wedding of Andy and Melissa. Perfect spot for it.


Bikes out of storage. Onwards to Copenhagen!


Assembling our Auckland bicycles in Copenhagen airport.


Mikkeller craft beer pub is very close to where we're staying. This could be dangerous.

Arrival in Copenhagen was smooth.  Now looking forward to 'living' here for a week. Temperatures are cooler which suits us and the amount of bikes is outrageous. Our bike ride from the Metro station to 'our' house went well. The biking is at a slow pace so you don't feel any pressure. It seems that the mantra is that under no circumstances should lycra ever be worn. Off to Roskilde today (will go by train but take our bikes so we can explore more when we're there) to see a Viking Museum,  Rock Museum, Forrest and Cathedral. But first porridge ......


Grød (porridge) is very much a thing here.


Our Auckland bicycles in Copenhagen.


The outside of Roskilde Cathedral.