UK/Europe 2017-2020

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Two trains from Savonlinna to Helsinki yesterday afternoon. Arrived at our Airbnb where we'll be for six nights. Taking the day off today to watch the elections and do a bit of washing. Go democracy!


We went to the ice hockey tonight to see Helsinki fight some other team. That's an intense sport. Fast, too.


This morning we caught a ferry from Helsinki to Tallinn in Estonia. Grey old day.


The Viru hotel in Tallinn was built in 1972 and was the only hotel foreigners were allowed to stay in during communist rule there. It was said to have been constructed with 50% concrete and 50% microphones. A fascinating glimpse into how the KGB ran things back then.


Estonia is the home of the novelty Christmas jersey. 



That's it! Just landed in London. Holiday's over. It's been totally fantastic though. We'll put our thoughts together in the next couple of days.

We're spending the next week catching up with family and friends before heading to Manchester where Sal starts her job Monday week and I look for contract work to see me through to Christmas.


Ahh, England! We're in Amersham staying with Sal's Auntie Rosemary until Thursday.


Today we drove from Amersham to Manchester (4 hours) to view three serviced apartments and for Sal to meet with her new boss there. We found a couple of good candidates and will try one out for a week when we arrive there on Sunday. 4 hours back again so a fairly long day. Driving in the UK is not riveting.


Last night we went into London with Sally's cousin Graham and Kerry. Dinner in Leicester Square followed by a boggling Derren Brown show and a nice evening walk along the Thames.


Priorities straight. First purchase after landing in the UK.


We've landed in Manchester! All our stuff is in the apartment and we're looking forward to having a place to call our own for a while. Since we left NZ we've stayed in 54 different places and although we loved every minute we have been yearning to have a place of our own. Above is the building we're in (our apartment is just above the two people and below the street light in the centre). Great location with easy walking to anywhere in town: 

Apartment 24
Ropeworks Building
35 Little Peter Street
Manchester M15 4QJ

I'm at work!


Our apartment is in a recently revived area of Manchester near the canal. The place is buzzing.



First home-cooked meal in our new home. Might as well be gainfully unemployed until I find work.


Sally made Ă…land pancake! It's delicious. Kind of like a thick, spiced milk pudding.


We're off to our first ever Diwali festival dinner tonight. I went to an Indian grocery store and found some appropriate gifts to take along. Looking forward to it!


Ok. So Diwali is pretty much the opposite of haggling. It requires the same amount of effort but you're trying to haggle down the amount of food and treats forced on you. Incredible hospitality and warmth. Lots of loud and enthusiastic conversations. Loved it.


Loovely soony Munchester